How can SIL help you?
Supported Independent Living (SIL) is available for participants with high support needs. We may also assist you in finding suitable shared accommodation arrangements with other NDIS participants. Supports may be shared 1:1, 2:1 or overnight depending on the participant’s needs.
Supported Independent Living arrangements will help you feel more safe and confident in your home and community. Staff are trained to ensure your safety and help participants live as independently as possible. Staff may also work with therapists to build their capacity and pursue NDIS goals.
What services can SIL provide?
Supports that may be provided under SIL include but are not limited to:
- Getting ready for the day; Showering, dressing, toileting
- Meal preparation
- Household tasks such as cleaning, laundry, gardening
- Shopping
- Encouraging daily and weekly routines
- Transportation
- Visiting family and friends
- Attending meaningful events and social activities
- Attending appointments
- Communication support including emails, letters and advocacy
- Emotional support
- Social and community participation
- Budgeting
- Daily planning
- Medication supervision/management
- Supports for decision making and problem-solving
For more information about NDIS and SIL, please click here Providing Supported Independent Living | NDIS
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA):
Statewide Health and Human Services is in the process to build SDA houses. Please contact us if you would like us to consider your SDA needs in the process.
How can SDA help you?
SDA refers to specialist housing solutions for participants with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. This is funding in relation to the homes and physical dwellings rather than the supports received. A well-designed house in the right location can allow for more independent living arrangements, increased community connection and access to informal supports.
Further information can be found on the NDIS website here: Specialist Disability Accommodation | NDIS
Individualised Living Option:
Statewide Health and Human Services can provide individualised living options.
How can ILO help you?
Independent living arrangements provide a high level of choice for NDIS participants. These supports are suitable for participants who have safe and suitable accommodation, either living independently or even sharing with family, friends or housemates. ILO arrangements are highly individualised to assist participants to pursue their NDIS goals with the assistance of their supports.
Further information can be found on the NDIS website here: Individualised Living Options for providers | NDIS
If you are interested in accessing SIL, SDA or ILO or if you require assistance in accessing the NDIS, we can help you.
Call 0469 412 862 or 0394 924 828